"Tea with a Dragon" is a reflection of the near-magical experience of being a child. Children have
the astonishing capability to inhabit a world almost entirely of their own creation. In that world,
the things that frighten them can be transformed into docility, even friendliness. In this case, the
dragon, that ancient terror representing evil, greed and death, is transformed into a gentle and
indulgent playmate. This shows the fluidity of the symbols and metaphors by which we structure our internal mental world. As we evolve and change, so also do our symbols.
the astonishing capability to inhabit a world almost entirely of their own creation. In that world,
the things that frighten them can be transformed into docility, even friendliness. In this case, the
dragon, that ancient terror representing evil, greed and death, is transformed into a gentle and
indulgent playmate. This shows the fluidity of the symbols and metaphors by which we structure our internal mental world. As we evolve and change, so also do our symbols.