In spite of its cheerful colors and overall mood, "Tea Party in the Sky" is really a meditation on
the fleeting nature of our existence. For the partiers, their doom is rapidly approaching, just as it
will someday for all of us. But they ignore their onrushing fate, and in fact celebrate with great
aplomb. While their delusions are clearly apparent to the viewer, there seems to be something perhaps brave and even noble in their rejection of reality itself. The viewer is asked, by implication,
to examine whether they should embrace their own delusions more tightly.
the fleeting nature of our existence. For the partiers, their doom is rapidly approaching, just as it
will someday for all of us. But they ignore their onrushing fate, and in fact celebrate with great
aplomb. While their delusions are clearly apparent to the viewer, there seems to be something perhaps brave and even noble in their rejection of reality itself. The viewer is asked, by implication,
to examine whether they should embrace their own delusions more tightly.